Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Well, time off is good

So, I took some time off from the dating scene - Thanksgiving through late January. Holiday are no time to start dating someone - it just puts pressure on people, expectations are raised and well, when it comes down to it.. I was just too busy. I had my friend "ground" me - so, he kept me to my word that I wasn't going to date for about a month. I kept to my word, and well, I'm back in the game after sitting on the sidelines.

Had a nice date on 1/30 - he came out with some friends the next weekend, and then we went for beers... I don't really think it's quite going anywhere - which isn't a bad thing, because I couldn't decide if I was interested or not. And that usually means, not. You can't force an issue.

I'm starting to worry that maybe it's not the guys in Seattle - that maybe, it's me. So, I've been working on removing the negativity of my life - it's tough work, but do it now or do more of it later. I'd rather get this lesson learned than have to suffer the rest of my life with it.

And I'm feeling like I'm more out there. And that's not such a bad thing.

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